Services Projects Contact

iSDAsoil (Predictive Soil Mapping for Africa in 30m resolution) 2019. - 2020

Client: EnvirometriX Ltd.

Role: Continental-scale mosaicking of Sentinel-2 imagery across Africa in 30m resolution; thematic data aggregation; accuracy assessment and quality control of the PSM method

iSDAsoil (Predictive Soil Mapping for Africa in 30m resolution)

2019. - 2020

MultiOne d.o.o.

For computer activities and services

CEO: Josip Križan


GSM: +385 (0) 91 561 2080

Email: multione(at)multione.hr

Ulica Andrije Ambriovića 9

10360 Sesvete, Zagreb

Company Details

VAT: 68802103157

Registered in the Commercial Court in Zagreb

Company Registration Number: 081032309

Zagrebačka banka

IBAN: HR2823600001102543382