The Geo-harmonizer project aimed at reducing problems of harmonizing national data with using seamless modeling techniques over the entire extent of the EU, and "opening data" i.e. making the data easier to access.
We have built an Open Data Portal, a freely-accessible viewer containing gridded layers for Europe at spatial resolutions of 30-m or better! Our maps were produced using FOSS4G software solutions, Machine Learning and Open Earth Observation data.
The Open Environmental Data Cube for Europe data portal / viewer aimed at serving decision-ready layers such land cover, air quality and pollution, potential natural vegetation and similar.
We used topographic data (DEMs), Earth observation (EO) data, hydrological and meteorological data that we mapped using automated mapping systems largely based on spatiotemporal Machine Learning algorithms available in the Open Source software. We then served the data using Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs to allow for seamless and unrestricted access. We documented all processing steps through up to the level of full-reproducibility!