Services Projects Contact
Screenshot from 2025-01-30 09-20-36

AI 4 Soil Health

Client: Horizon Europe

Role: Development

Helping the farmers and land managers of tomorrow by providing new tools to measure soil health without the need for laboratories.
Using artificial intelligence to monitor and predict soil health for farmers and growers across Europe.

MultiOne d.o.o.

For computer activities and services

CEO: Josip Križan


GSM: +385 (0) 91 561 2080

Email: multione(at)multione.hr

Ulica Andrije Ambriovića 9

10360 Sesvete, Zagreb

Company Details

VAT: 68802103157

Registered in the Commercial Court in Zagreb

Company Registration Number: 081032309

Zagrebačka banka

IBAN: HR2823600001102543382